At Subzero, our highly skilled operatives are experienced in producing to strict customer specifications, which enables us to offer a wide range of bespoke services.
Experienced Bandsaw team
High-capacity line with the flexibility to take on many different services.
We’re able to produce all the way down to a 15mm cube.
Highly skilled team that is conscientious of specification and yield requirements.
Experienced personnel that can help develop and advise on new products.
Bandsawing Products
7.5kg Laminated Blocks
Block portions | Cubes | Dice | Fingers
Planks | Tiles | Trapezoids
Fillets & Natural Cuts
​Portions | Loins | Tails |Goujons
Supremes | Chunks | Steaks
We can produce a variety of other bespoke products.
Please contact us if you have a particular enquiry. Contact Us